A ICAR lava mais branco_1

Embora tenha recorrido mais ao fogo do que à água, prefira a incineração ao banho e se dedique ao charlatanismo mais do que à ciência, a ICAR está longe da boçalidade do islão.

Os padres da ICAR, libertos da tonsura que os marcava como propriedade da Empresa, à semelhança do ferro que as ganadarias usam, os padres – dizia -, comportam-se hoje como pessoas normais enquanto não são solicitados a debitar os horrores eternos que o patrão reserva aos hereges, sacrílegos e apóstatas.

Aliás, a civilização atenuou-lhes o ímpeto purificador que, na ânsia de salvar almas, os levava a estorricar corpos. E, assim, foi esmorecendo o desejo de converter ímpios à custa da tortura e a pia intenção de espalhar a boa nova eliminando relapsos.

A ICAR não é o bando de santos que fabrica com desvelo, a máquina de obrar milagres oleada com emolumentos das dioceses que submetem bem-aventurados à canonização, é uma empresa que vive do negócio da fé, da fábula de Cristo e do medo do Inferno.
Pior do que o clero católico são os judeus de trancinhas à Dama das Camélias, pastores evangélicos dos EUA e os mullahs. Pior que os bispos espanhóis são os talibãs do islão e só o Papa pede meças aos Ayatollahs.
Claro que a tara das religiões monoteístas está no coração dos mais pios, na cabeça dos prosélitos e na acção dos cruzados obsoletos que querem expandir a fé.

É por isso que a ICAR conta na galeria dos horrores, alguns com milagres averbados e lugar reservado nos altares, sórdidas criaturas de escassa virtude e santidade.

Stepinac e Pavelic, Escrivà e Franco, Videla e Pinochet, Salazar e Moussolini, Bernard Law e Hans Hermann Groer, Marcincus e  Rouco Varela, Voityla e Rätzinger, são grãos da seara arroteada pela ICAR.
Stepinac esteve ligado ao campo de extermínio de Jasenovac, comandado pelo franciscano Miroslav Filipovic, o Frei Morte no lúgubre testemunho dos sobreviventes ortodoxos sérvios. JP2 canonizou o carrasco católico e desprezou os mártires sérvios vítimas do campo de horror de Jasenovac.

É esta gente que a Igreja vai procurando branquear como se fossem beneméritos ou, pelo menos, cidadãos recomendáveis.


Anónimo disse…


A natural outcome of assimilation and secularism is atheism, and it's a pernicious threat to Jews. Rabbi Kahane lectured Jewry on the lamentable fact that within the broad category of the Jewish people, a nation formed personally by the G-d of the universe as a religious-national unit through national divine revelation at Sinai, we are among the groups on earth that believe the least in G-d. This is an on-going tragedy that has been with Jews as a serious problem for at least the last one hundred years with the establishment of Reform Judaism, although the problem goes back further than that to the beginning of normalization of Jewish citizenship in the Exile.

The percentage of Jews who truly believe in the Holy One is clearly a minority instead of a majority, and those who live according to His mitzvot are a minority within a minority. Even among the Jews of the state of Israel - those who live in holy Eretz Yisrael - over 60% of them are "hilonim," the Hebrew term for secular. It is perplexing that despite the miraculous rebirth of a Jewish state on the eternal homeland of the Jewish people, so many Jews can still ignore the obvious signature of the Creator on the course of human history.

JDL seeks to be a leader among Torah faithful groups leading a vigorous spiritual renewal among Jews world-wide back to G-d and His eternal Torah. This section of our new site will contain articles on the threat posed by atheism. To find out about JDL's efforts to combat atheism and other anti-Jewish missionary movements, visit our Counter-Missionary section.
Anónimo disse…
Assimilation & Intermarriage
Among the Biggest Threats to Jewish Survival

There is perhaps no greater threat to the well-being of Am Yisrael, the Jewish nation, than assimilation and its all too natural consequence, intermarriage. The Jewish Defense League seeks to combat not only the multifarious physical and spiritual forms of Jew-hatred but also the spiritual malaise of Jewish indifference and ignorance, and the threat of Jewish affection for the non-Jew.

As if we face too few external threats, an alarming number of Jews willingly flee from Judaism into melting pots, secular "culture" and morality, and often most devastatingly the arms of non-Jewish spouses. The unfortunate reality of the situation is that assimilation and intermarriage have done more to destroy Jewish souls than most every form of persecution and act of genocide we have suffered as a people throughout time immemorial.

Only through Jewish pride and education will Jews be protected from these insidious, corrupting forces. While we believe with eternal faith that Ha-Shem's chosen people will ultimately be saved from all perils and dwell securely in our land, until those prophecies are fulfilled we exist in a troubled world, and we must therefore guard ourselves against these veiled dangers. The future of our children, and our children's children, depend on whether we choose the Torah and life (since the Torah is called by G-d the Tree of Life for the Jew), or assimilation, intermarriage and death.

This section of our new site will be expanded in the coming weeks beyond this initial content.

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